Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ending Tyranny - Evolution Of Deceit

1. Consciousness Deprived
2. Depravity
3. 12 Palms
4. Poisoning The Soul
5. Faceless Silhouette
6. The Stench Repression
7. Epitome
8. Dealers Of Hate

Ending Tyranny have released their third album titled "Evolution Of Deceit." This album has quite a similar style and sound of their previous albums. The band goes for those growled death metal vocals and high sheiks to give them the typical death metal sound. These guys have a similar sound to that of a Beneath The Massacre, or a Suicide Silence, so if you are into either of those bands, you could like this album. They have done a solid job here. When looking at the instrumentation on this album, we feel this is the biggest change here. These guys have decided to turn it up a notch with faster guitars and heavy on the double kick, these guys can play fast and loud. Now onto the vocals and the lyrics, the vocals on this record are pretty growled and hard to understand just what they are singing about. This being said, they do a pretty solid job of melding the vocals to the harsh music the rest of the band is playing. With the lyrics, although hard to hear, the band sings about social and political issues throughout this album. We feel not a lot of bands do this in the metal genre, so we respect them for that for sure. The band has a message they want you to hear, and they stick to it. We feel that's a pretty good job. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one. We suggest you give the song "12 Palms" your attention, and this will give you an idea of the rest of this album. Ending Tyranny have followed the path of their previous album, making this one just faster and louder. We like the style and sound heard on this album. The guys in Ending Tyranny have to play more and get out there so more fans can hear what they are about. Other then this, we feel the band has done an overall solid job on this album. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think about it.

Genre: Death Metal/Metal/Deathcore
Release Date: November 20th, 2015
Location: Brantford, Ontario
Label: CDN Records

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