Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Scotty James - Crazy

1. Wanna Be Loved
2. Do It
3. Crazy
4. Head Over Heals
5. Miss You Good

Scotty James has released his debut EP titled "Crazy". This album really shows off Scotty in an acoustic pop sort of way, with keyboards behind him. He has a very common/standard feel to him as a solo artist. This has a similar sound to that of a Justin Nozuka or Raine Mada, so if you are into either artist, you could really like this album. This album has been done pretty well. When looking at the recording quality to this album, the album has been recorded quite well, although, it does have that typical sound. The instrumentation is quite simple here, although he can play, his acoustic guitar playing is not the focus as much as his voice is. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are very polished, but also very much like every singer out there who has been trained and trying to be a solo acoustic act. He can certainly sing, but to us, it seems like the vocals are missing that unique factor here. With the lyrics, Scotty says that they are about a relationship and how being in one, and trying to make it work can be crazy. We agree with that, and notice quite a lot of that running through his debut here. If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song "Crazy" your attention, as we feel this is the best song and will represent the rest of the album the best. Scotty James has made a very good, polished album here, that shows he can certainly do it and has potential. Our one hope though, is that the next album really sets himself apart and shows us more of him and a unique style. We can't wait to see whats next and think this is a great starter album. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Pop/Acoustic/Rock
Release Date: 2011
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Label: None

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