Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Whale Tooth - Whale Tooth

1. Hibernation Song
2. Six Billion
3. Sleepwalking
4. Marlboro Beach Bonanza
5. Clever

Whale Tooth have released their debut album which they have decided to self title. This album has a very indie with duel male and female vocals that trade off with each other. We get a very Grey Kingdoms/Spencer Burton or Magneta Lane, so if you are into either of those artists, you could really like this album. They have done a pretty good job here. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has a little bit of sound in the vocals that seems like she is a bit too far away when trying to sing. Other then that, it has a nice Indie folk style and sound that works. Nice recording. The instrumentation isn't anything to turn your head at, except maybe the solo on Marlboro Beach Bonanza, but the band can certainly play, and it works right in there with the indie sound they are going for. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals here are really quite good, the duel male and female vocals along with her voice having an oldness to it, really gives this a solid sound. This band can sing. With the lyrics, the band goes for songs with a guy trying to get the attention of a girl, and their relationship together. This is where the male and female dynamics come in and work well. They really have that way about them where you feel it could be a relationship in the 60's with the words they use and the music to back it. The band has done a pretty decent job here. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get a feel for the album.
Whale Tooth have made a pretty decent debut album here, and it shows off the type of band they want to be. We think that within their genre, they could become something, so we are excited to see what comes out next. Now just get out there and play so people can know about you. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think about it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Indie/Rock/Folk
Release Date: February 7th, 2009
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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