Saturday, June 22, 2019

Hindsight - Expended

1. Expended
2. Collide

Hindsight have their second release, a two song EP titled "Expended". This album follows along the same sound and style as their previous effort. These guys have an almost grungy, punky, rock feel to them which seems to be coming back recently. These guys have a similar sound to that of Citizen or a Teenage Wrist, so if you like either of those bands, you could really like this album. They have done a pretty good job on these two songs. When looking at the recording quality of these songs, they have been recorded to a pretty decent sound. Collide seems to be recorded just a little bit better than Expended is, but they both have a dirty, grungy, bit of a lo-fi sound to them. We are pretty sure that this is the style they are going for, but as well could be cleaned up a bit and had the screamed vocals up a bit. The instrumentation on this album is pretty standard, with this music you are not going to get those crazy solos or guitar gods, just some nice solid music. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals are pretty calm and soothing at times here, they have certainly decided to go for a softer approach to the vocals. Both songs start soft and build up to screams, then trail off. With the lyrics for Expended are about self pity and being down, as well as trying to become something else and not being able to reach it. On the song Collide, the band sings about messing up and struggling in a relationship. Both of the song here are very down and needing of hope to make things better. This is very good for anyone who is into that emo, grunge style of music. If you are looking for a single, give, "Expended" your attention, but its only two songs, so give them both a listen to get the feel of this band. Hindsight have made an EP that is a heartfelt, down in the dumps, feel for them album. They have a lot here in these two songs and we hope to see them continue to grow and make music. We can't wait to see whats next. Listen to this band to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Punk/Pop Punk/Rock
Release Date: April 7th, 2015
Location: London, Ontario
Label: None

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