Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Goodnight, Sunrise - D/V


1. Calling It
2. 501
3. Liar Liar
4. Gold Star

Goodnight Sunrise have released their two part set called "D/V." Part one is called Deaf Ears and features the first two songs, while Part two is called Bridgeburner and features the last two. All four songs here follow the same sound and style that the the band established on their debut album. This band is very indie and would appeal to people who like that kind of music. The band has a similar sound to that of Born Ruffians or even a Tokyo Police Club so if you like those artists, you could like this band. They have done a pretty good job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to a fairly decent sound, while still keeping a little bit of a rawness to it. The instrumentation here is pretty much on the same level as every other band so it isn't doesn't really stand out, but the band can play. Now onto the vocals and the lyrics, the vocals are done by both the female keytar player and the main guitarist. Depending on the song they will have one or the other featured. Usually bands do one singer all the time but thats okay. Both their vocalists have pretty solid voices and yo u can here them nice and clearly. We think they both do a great job. With the lyrics, the band goes for messages of wanting someone but being okay if they are not, leaving everything to chance, Not taking things out on people who are not at fault and being a liar. Some of these things people can relate to but not all, so it is a little harder for people to get into. They do a good job on the lyrics either way. If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song Gold Star your attention as it is the best song on the album and gives you the most accurate feel to this album. Goodnight, Sunrise have made these two two song albums follow the same path and give you more clearer picture of what the band is trying to do. We think they have done a pretty good job overall. Hopefully the band get out more so more people can hear them. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Indie Rock/Rock
Release Date: Dec 3rd, 2013/July 15th, 2014
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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