Saturday, July 29, 2017

Neighbours. - This Past Year

1. Miles From Home
2. Late Nights
3. Old Friends. New Disasters.
4. Backseat Tension
5. 130 David
6. Trainwreck Of Anxiety And Bad Luck

Neighbours. have released their debut album titled "This Past Year." This band have made a typical new pop punk album that has the fast, dirty feel of the new style. It has a bunch of gang vocals and has a nice sound. They have a similar sound to that of Four Year Strong or even a Handguns type of feel to it, so if you like those bands, you could like this album. They have done an alright job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to a pretty good version. It needs a bit of work but not bad. The instrumentation on this album is pretty average, it really needs more to it on certain songs, but others you can see flashes of better work. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals have a bit of a whiny feel to them, that could affect what people think of the band overall. Their vocalist can sing though and he is nice and clear, so that helps in the process. Overall it is a good start and hopefully with the band growing, it will grow as well. With the lyrics, the band has gone the route of singing about growing up, girls and situations with others that they didn't like. These are very typical things to sing about. Not bad lyrics, but maybe as the band grows, they can get a little more involved with more meaningful lyrics. Neighbours. have made a debut album  that does show some promise, but you can also tell the band is in an early stage here. We do hope the band can progress and made everything as a whole better and get out there so everyone can hear their music. Overall the band is on the right track and it sounds pretty good. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Punk Pop/Punk/Rock
Release Date: November 5th, 2013
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Label: None

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