Saturday, April 22, 2017

Matlock Expressway - Why Is This Time Any Different

1. New Digs (Intro)
2. Small Victories
3. The Night Gwen Stacy Died
4. Same Old Weekend
5. The Waiting Room

Matlock Expressway have released their debut album titled "Why Is This Time Any Different." This album is a fast paced pop punk album that really fits in well with what the bands nowadays are doing. It has a bit of an easycore feel to it and that is nice to hear from a band on the first listen. Their album has a similar sound of New Found Glory and A Day To Remember, so if you like both of those bands, you could really like this album. They have done a nice job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, Anton Delost has done a nice job on recording this album well. If you know him and his recording, you can tell it has a bit of his style to it. The instrumentation is nothing spectacular, just good solid pop punk. Now onto the vocals and the lyrics, the vocals sound really nice here and they have a NFG feel to them. His voice is pretty clear, just a little more volume and they would be perfect. With the lyrics, the band has gone for messages of winning the little things and building up to the bigger and trying to change things, life and relationships. These lyrics all come across very sincere while also fitting the pop punk mold. If you are looking for a single to this album, listen to "Same Old Weekend" as it is our favourite song on the album and the one the band picked as the single. We also feel you will get a good idea of the album from listening to this one. Matlock Expressway have made a debut "welcome to" album that really shows off what the band wants to do and the direction they are going in. We found that we really enjoyed listening to this album and we suggest you do to. Overall, decent album. Now lets just see more shows. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Pop Punk/Punk/Rock
Release Date: August 4th, 2016
Location: Oshawa, Ontario
Label: None

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