Sunday, December 4, 2016

Saigon Hookers - Hello Rock And Roll

1. Fresh Fish
2. We Don't Care
3. So Good
4. Slim Pickings
5. Sweetheart
6. Devil To Win
7. She Blows My Mind
8. Nothing Left
9. I'm Right Here

Saigon Hookers have released their second album titled "Hello Rock And Roll." This album follows the same sort of sound that the band established previously on their two song demo they released. The band has a real grungy, rock feel to their music. It seems kind of like a Darkness or any other sort of throw back band. They have done an alright job on the album. When looking at the recording quality of the album, the album has been recorded to an alright standard of listenability. The bands instrumentation however is quite good, this band can play and they throw in a bunch of solos all over the place. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are not bad, you can hear what he is saying and he has that grungy sort of vocal style that goes with this style of music. Now with the lyrics, they are something that could use some work on, they have a very typical older rock sort of themes to their songs and they just don't have that appeal to a younger audience. With songs about girls and not caring, living that rock life, they sing very typical songs.If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. Saigon Hookers have given us a full dose of what they are and how they plan to rock on this effort. This is not a bad effort, but with some progression and tweaking, maybe they could get a sound that will appeal to more people. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think about it.

Genre: Rock/Rock & Roll/Alternative
Release Date: November 5th, 2006
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Label: None

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