Monday, January 4, 2016

Dinosaur Dinosaur - The Gulf

1. F
2. Gentlemen Without Laws
3. Vampires vs. Swear Words
4. We Have A Fish
5. Spooky Action At A Distance
6. Spear And Magic Helmet
7. Lossless
8. Somniloquy

Dinosaur Dinosaur have finally released their debut album titled "The Gulf". This album is one that has taken quite awhile to make, being that the band has been around since at least 2009. They currently feature three members with a drum machine behind them, but they don't mind it. The band has a very 80's synth and indie feel to them. When looking at the recording quality of the album, the album sounds pretty good but it could use some work, especially it the drumming department. One thing we notice is that the songs seem to take a little too long to start up and the vocals seem to go up in the middle, then come back down which makes it hard to follow any of the lyrics. This band is quite an experimental band as well with what they are doing. When we think of the band, what comes to mind is Zoey Dechanel's band in Yes Man. If you are looking for a single for this album, there isn't one, so just pick any song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. Dinosaur Dinosaur have made quite a different album here and we are not quite sure if it's good or bad, we really don't know what to make of it. Maybe while making their next album they can progress to find a sound that more people can identify with. We hope the band starts to play more shows to get the name out as well. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Indie/Shoegaze/Experimental
Release Date: January 31st, 2014
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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