Sunday, January 4, 2015

Straight Reads The Line - The Author

1. Pilgore
2. The Jig Is Up
3. Last Call
4. I Wouldn't Go Out, There's Some Ruffians About
5. The Orchid Killer
6. Fashionably Late
7. Sweet Chin Music
8. I'll Have Him Shot When I Can Afford It
9. Mortimer
10. Gok Bing Lam

Straight Reads The Line have released their second album, and their debut label release, titled "The Author" The Author is an album that expands on their sound, and what they did on their debut album. Solid guitar, decent lyrics and a great music is what fills this album from front to back. The great thing about this album is that it is hard hitting, without having cheesy lyrics or the same old boring metal lyrics that fill this genre. There is nothing really to pick at with this album, maybe just a little clearer vocals would be it, but just a touch. A song to listen to on this album would be "The Jig Is Up" this song is a favourite on here and it hits hard, while still having clean vocals in the chorus. Overall, this is a great album and should be listened to. Look out for this band, as they have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Hardcore/Metal/Metalcore
Release Date: October 28th, 2008
Location: Stoney Creek, Ontario
Label: Verona Records

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