Friday, January 2, 2015

Final Thought - Taste Test

1. Tell All Your Friends
2. Wrapped Around Your Finger
3. Take You Home

Final Thought have released their second album "Taste Test." This album shows the band going in an even more poppy and more keyboard added to their pop punk then the previous album.This album definitely has a better recording then the previous and has started to round out the sound that the band wants to portray in the music. These three songs have all been done decently and they give the band a lot more credibility. A problem with this band though is, these songs are very driven towards the female listener, which kind of takes the male listener away from the band, but they do a good job with the super poppy pop punk. The song to listen to is "Tell All Your Friends" as this song is the best and not quite a pop as the other ones, plus it gives you a sense of the rest of the album. Overall, this band just needs to keep going, do what they are doing and continue on making alright music like this for their fand and hopefully more will jump on board.

Genre: Pop - Punk/Rock/Pop
Release Date: March 31st, 2010
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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