Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Choices - Paradise Lost

1. Benevolent
2. Mended
3. Better Days
4. Paradise Lost
5. Coming To Life
6. Guilty As Me
7. Euphoria

Choices have released their debut album titled "Paradise Lost." This album shows the band in a very melodic metal way. They have a sound thats hard to say just exactly where they fit. These guys have such melodic parts, that it's almost too much at times, but then the music sounds post-hardcore for sure. This band has a similar sound to that of a more melodic In Flames or Erra without the screamed vocals, so if you like that music, you could like this album. The guys here have done a pretty decent job on these songs.

When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded very well, and has a super clear, crisp sound to the songs. The producer did a really good job on these songs. With the instrumentation on this album, the guys go straight into showing you what they can do. "Benevolent" is an instrumental track that shows off the bands guitar skills, and lets you know this band has skills for sure. 

Now onto the vocals and lyrics, with the vocals, the singer decided to go for a more melodic touch here. At times the vocalist goes a little too melodic, and it lacks some harshness because of it. On the song "Mended" when the vocalist starts singing, it is hard to catch what he is saying, and it ends up sounding like a jumbled mess for a few bars. Other than this, the vocals are really solid and you can certainly tell he can sing. For the lyrics, the band goes for songs about relationships, depression, getting better, and fighting through. This album has a theme with it, starting with an ending relationship and ending with getting through ang thriving. It's pretty cool how you can listen through on this journey the singer goes through while listening to the whole album. They have done a good job on the lyrics.

If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song "Coming To Life" your attention, as it is the best song on the album, and really encapsulates what this whole album is about. 

Choices have made an album that is pretty decent, and can be listened to by the casual or new metalcore listener, an the metalcore enthusiast looking for a break from all the screams. All in all, this is a good album, introduces you to the band, and gives them something to get them out to playing shows. Give this album a listen to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.) 

Genre: Metalcore/Metal/Rock
Release Date: July 8th, 2015
Location: Brockville, Ontario
Label: None

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