1. Gaia
2. Human Kindling
3. Worth Living
4. Our Worldwide Anthem Is An Explosion
Norris have released their debut album with a super long title. This album shows the band in a chaotic and noisy way. The band seems to have things going off in every which direction, which is a bit of a sensory overload. They have a similar sound to that of a band like A Textbook Tragedy, Job For A Cowboy or even a Pig Destroyer, so if you are into bands like this, you could really like this album. They have done an alright job here.
When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to an an okay level. This may intentionally feel like this with all the chaotic time shifts and things, but the recording just kind of seems like a mess. Now yes it could be more clear and crisp, but this also helps with the feel the band is going for on the record. With the instrumentation, the band can certainly play, and they shift from fast to slow and back, but unless you can really focus, you'll not understand the talent here. We think this band can really play and they do a solid job at what they are doing here.
Now onto the vocals and lyrics, with the vocals, the singer has some very screeched vocals here, which could use some work, as they at times just sound like someone throwing up. They do however work for the music, but again, not as polished. The actual singing part on the songs could also use work. We do think there is potential here though. With the lyrics, they are a bit hard to hear and understand with the style of vocals. Honestly we can't really tell you what they are singing about, which sucks because that an element of the music lost, but we still listen for what it is.
If you are looking for a single to this album, there really isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the idea of the album.
Norris have made a debut album that really shows off what the band wants to do, and gives you an idea of the direction this band wants to go. This is a starter into the band and what they are doing. They have done a pretty good job here with how chaotic it is, and how the musicianship is on this album. We feel they did an alright job here, and it will be interesting to see what they come up with next. We aren't really a fan of this type of metal but we can respect what's going on here. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it (R.I.P.)
Genre: Metal/Metalcore/Grindcore
Release Date: 2005
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Label: None
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