Sunday, September 8, 2019

Carried Away - Start Over

1. Whispered Riots
2. Forever Lost
3. Expectations
4. July
5. Start Over

Carried Away have released their second album titled "Start Over." This album is one that continues the same style and sound the band used on their debut album. They have a very generic female fronted pop rock sound. This isn't a sound that you can relate to many established bands, as most of the bands with this female singing style don't really make it. The bands we can relate this band to are bands like Aria, The Maddigans or Call Atlantis if you know those bands. They haven't done a bad job on the album. Looking at the recording process of this album, the album has been recorded to a pretty decent standard. Every song has that poppy rock sound and is very clear in every element. The guys made sure everything was clean. The instrumentation on this album however is pretty standard. As with most albums in this genre, especially the pop side of pop punk, the bands don't really go too crazy, and make sure everything is just standard. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are decent, and she can certainly sing. However nothing is really unique or captivating about them. There are a lot of female singers who sound exactly like this, and it is a limiting factor to how far the band can go. She is very clear and you can hear every word she sings, which is whats needed because they will need lyrics to shine for the band. We would also like to point out that, however this album is their latest, three of the songs were released 6 months to a year before this album came out, including the single and music video for this album. Being that the album is only five songs long, and with the way we consume music today, 60% of the album was already old. This is a huge problem, as the album is already considered stale to fans of the band. If you are looking for a single for this album, the single is "Expectations", so give that song a listen to get the idea of the album. Carried Away have made a second album that follows their sound from their debut and sounds really good. However if this band wants to stay fresh and relevant, there has to be a new album soon. Hopefully this band will decide to tour more and bring their music to people who don't know them, to erase some of the damage done here. With all this said, this is pretty much a flop. Listen to this album and decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Pop Punk/Punk/Rock
Release Date: February 22nd, 2019
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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