Saturday, February 23, 2019

Den Mother - Lucid Dreaming

1. Lucid Dreaming
2. Months And Days

Den Mother have released their debut two song EP titled "Liquid Dreaming." This album has a very indie feel to it, along with deep scratchy vocals. We see this as more of the style a solo artist would go for. These two songs have a similar sound to that of a Misser, Northcote or even a Grey Kingdom, so if you are into that kind of music, you could get into these two songs.They have done a decent job here. When looking at the recording quality of this album, you can tell that it is a bit rough around the edges, but is done ell enough to have that balance of raw indie and polished to it. The instrumentation on both songs are pretty average. That is not saying the band can't play, but they just don't have a punch to make you turn your head in this part of the album mechanics. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals here are done quite well. The singer can really hit that sad, down, dark vocal style, all while keeping everything very clear and easy to listen to. With the lyrics, the song "Lucid Dreaming" talks about wanting to be with someone but knowing that you can't. While the song "Months And Days" talks about wishing someone would make choices and let them know what they want. You can tell the singer has difficult relationship with the person in question. We feel people can relate to these situations and feel for the singer. If you are looking for a single to this album, either song is done pretty well, so just pick a song or listen to both to see what the band is about. Den Mother have made a two song album that really shows what they were going through in this period of their life. They have also given us a taste of just how they want their music to sound. Now to just make a longer album and get out there so people can hear them. Listen to this two song album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Indie/Rock/Acoustic
Release Date: September 18th, 2016
Location: Oakville, Ontario
Label: None

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