Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Harbour - Dead In The Water

1. These Nights
2. Timmins
3. 90210
4. Disbanded By Doubt
5. Set In Stone
6. 7 Days

Harbour have released their fourth EP titled "Dead In The Water." This album is a bit of a weird one as the band took so long to finish it and it was supposed to be a full length. What we got was six songs of pop punk music. This is also the bands indie label debut. They have a similar sound to that of early 2000's punk and pop punk combined, so if you were more of a 2000's punk person, you could really like this album. They have done an alright job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to a pretty decent level that gives these sounds a good sound. The instrumentation is pretty standard on this album. The band can certainly play and they do show off a little bit on the album, but for the most part it is pretty standard. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are pretty much the same as their previous album, if you have heard those before. Their vocalist can certainly sing and sing well, but they have pretty much stuck with the same things they have been doing all along. With the lyrics, the band has gone for songs about relationships for the most part. This is pretty typical for bands in this genre to sing about, as it is the easiest and lots of people at the age of this band can relate to this subject. Not bad all in all. If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song "7 Days" your attention, as it is the best song on the album and the one that gives you the best idea of how the album sounds. Harbour's fourth EP is one that unfortunately doesn't quite stand up to their previous album. They just don't have a song that is instantly catchy like "Grade School Summer" was. Although this is still a decent album, none of these songs are going to take over for that song or album. We also hope to see this band get out there and play more, and play shows in other towns where they are the support instead of the headliner. The band hasn't toured much since this album came out and we'd like to see that change. Decent job all in all. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. 

Genre: Punk/Pop Punk/Rock
Release Date: November 24th, 2017
Location: Brantford, Ontario
Label: Black Numbers

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