Monday, December 11, 2017

Eleven Past One - The Ultimate Catch

1. Like A Book
2. Your Stupidity Amazes Me
3. She's the Ultimate Catch
4. I Wanna Ride
5. Broken Dreams
6. Falling Stars
7. Can You Hear Me
8. Hold On
9. Ridin' Dirty
10. Summertime
11. Fate Love

Eleven Past One have released their debut album titled "The Ultimate Catch." This album is a mix between that poppy rock band and that regular alternative rock band. They seem to be trying for that Hedley, Marianas Trench, Faber Drive sort of style, so if you like those bands, you could possibly like this album. These guys have done an alright job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded well, and the production on the songs is solid, but the songs just don't seem to grab us. The instrumentation is pretty good, the band can play, and there are flashes of solid guitar work here, so the band has it down on this element. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are probably the best part, as their vocalist can certainly sing, and he has that nice melody that makes you just want to get wrapped up in his vocals. You can hear everything he says and it's super clear. With the lyrics, the band seems to go for messages of both sides of girls. They go for the side of her being the best thing ever and never wanting to let her go, over to the being broken and sad from a girl as well as not being able to figure out the things they do. Overall, this is an album about girls and relationships for the most part. I'm sure both sexes can relate to these lyrics, so it has a relatable quality to everyone, which should maximize the amount of people they can turn into fans. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. Eleven Past One have made an album that really hits that pop rock, and more a female fan base here. They have something that could really work if they can get the perfect polished song. We feel this band has a lot of potential and we can't wait to see what they come up with next. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Rock/Alternative/Pop
Release Date: June 22nd, 2010
Location: Bowmanville, Ontario
Label: Clinger

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