Sunday, October 1, 2017

Bearings - Home Is...

1. Indecision
2. What's Best For You
3. Absent

Bearings have released their second album titled "Home Is..." This album continues with the style and sound the band created on their previous album. They have a very Punky Pop Punk sound that really fits well with the new style of Pop Punk. These guys have a similar sound to that of Citizen or even Knuckle Puck and honestly, any pop punk fan will fall in love with this music. They have done a solid job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, this album has been recorded quite well and has a really nice pop punk feel to it. The instrumentation is nothing to blow you away, but the band can play and they prove that their music doesn't need to have crazy guitar solos and super intricate music to be catchy and fun. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are done quite well.Their singer can sing and he is nice and clear, so all the lyrics can be heard perfectly. Now with the lyrics, the band has decided to go for messages of not being in the best frame, being absent from the other person in a relationship, and relationships in general not going right. These are all feeling and situations we face while trying to find the one to spent the rest of our time with, so we can all relate. If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song "Indecision" your attention as it best encapsulates this album as a whole, plus it is a great track. Bearing have made their second album rock just as hard as their debut and we can't wait to see what the band does when they make a full length album. This band is starting to get out more and we love that, as they are all really great guys who make awesome pop punk music. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Punk/Pop Punk/Rock
Release Date: January 12th, 2016
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Label: None

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