Thursday, August 6, 2015

Coldfront - Coldfront

1. Untitled
2. Waiting
3. Still
4. Withdrawal

Coldfront have released their debut self titled album. This album is a sort of welcome to Coldfront as it shows off the band doing their style of the new pop punk that is becoming really popular right now. This album sounds pretty good. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the band have done a pretty good job with it and they seem to be able to play in the style of the new pop punk so that is going to work for them. The band is also a bit more skilled than the average band in this kind of music. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals are pretty good and the singer can sing well along with some pretty skillful lyrics.If you are looking for a single for this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen so you know what it sounds like. Coldfront have something pretty good going on with this album and hopefully with some progression, and plugging away they can make something out of this. Listen to this album so you can decide for yourself what you think of it. Make sure you get on this band sooner than later.

Genre: Pop Punk/Punk/Rock
Release Date: August 2nd, 2013
Location: Oakville, Ontario
Label: None

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