Monday, May 5, 2014

Streetcore - I'll Be Found One Day

1. Johnson & Nigel
2. Four Chord, 4/4
3. How Long These Things Take
4. Scrantonicity II
5. Underneath My Feet
6. Where'd All My Stuff Go?
7. David
8. For My Own Good
9. Gripe
10. Last Night On The Town
11. Dusty Boots
12. Let's Call It Even
13. Americoda

Streetcore have released their debut album titled "I'll Be Found One Day". This album shows the band in a grungy bar punk sound that is really good for that dive bar kind of place. This album has a similar sound to that of The Argolites, Menzingers or even a PUP, so if you like any of these bands, you could like this album. They have done an alright job here. 

When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to an alright level. The album seems to have a rough undertone in the vocals and as a whole, doesn't sound crisp. This may actually help the bands sound be more authentic though. The instrumentation on this album isn't too crazy, as the band is more straightforward with their style. This band just plays and that it, and they can do it. Nothing is really going to excite you here.

Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are a bit harsh, but have a very 90's punk vibe to them. He can sing, and it certainly works with the vibe the band is going for. The singing is nothing to write home about, but it isn't bad. With the lyrics, the band sings about something more to life, relationships, girls, being authentic, figuring out life, and more. This album really feels like a band trying to figure out life. Theses are topics many people can get into and relate to. Good job.

If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the idea of the album.

Streetcore have made a debut album that shows off the style and vibe the band is going for. The bands lyrics are the bright part here, so give them some attention and see what the band is about. We think they have done an alright job overall. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think about it.

Genre: Indie/Punk/Rock
Release Date: 2009
Location: Bayfield, Ontario
Label: None 

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