Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Day And A Deathwish - Demo

1. Amongst The Panic
2. Walk Away
3. A Death Of Beliefs
4. Escape Of The Mind

A Day And A Deathwish have released their debut four song demo album. This album really shows this band in a heavy screaming punk and metal band. These guys have a very emo sound that really fits the whole time this came out. This album reminds us of a From First To last or a Fear Before, so if you like those bands, you could really like this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, obviously it needs some work, being a demo and all, but from what you hear, you can tell these guys have a base structure there to build from. The bands instrumentation isn't bad either, you can tell that they can play. Now onto the vocals and lyrics. The vocals are pretty hard to hear, as they are screamed and pretty grungy. They could use some work to get a better scream and a bit more clear so that you can enjoy it more. While the lyrics are pretty angsty and angry without have a real meaning behind them, but they do certainly work for what the band is trying to do and the style they are going for. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song or listen to all four since it is short and you will have a feel for the band. A Day And A Deathwish have a little ways to go before this is a legitimate thing, but for right now, a demo and playing for fun is a good start. These guys could expand and refine everything that they are doing and come out the other side well. We are looking forward to what comes next. Overall, a pretty average demo. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Rock/Punk/Emo
Release Date: 2002
Location: Welland, Ontario
Label: Pool Shark Records

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