Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Salads - Meanwhile...

1. The Return Of Johnny Stubbs
2. You Stinky Bitch
3. Higher Thing
4. Garden Gnome
5. Yucca Street
6. Peanut Butter Kid
7. The Salad Theme Song
8. Koo Koo Bananas
9. Supermarket Manager
10. Pee Pee Through My Wee Wee
11. Buffalo Buffet
12. White Lightning
13. Homework And Broccoli

The Salads have released their debut album titled "Meanwhile..." This album is one that shows off a very ska type of band. They have a very old school ska sound to them that was more popular in the 90's. They have a similar sound to that of a early Goldfinger or a Reel Big Fish, so if you are into those bands, you could like this album. they have done an okay job on the album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album could be a little louder and could have more in your face vocals but that is probably because it was recorded in 1998, so not bad for then. The instrumentation isn't bad, the band can play and they have a bit of a heavier rock sound to it at times which is nice as well. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals are not bad, not wow vocals but they are what you need for this style of music. He can sing and you can hear him clearly while understanding everything. With the lyrics, they are a little on the different side as they tell little stories about people or have off, fun subjects that just make this music light and not to stressful to get behind. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. The Salads have made a debut album that is a little different than your average album, a little more fun and it works. Hopefully with a little better recording, this could work in their genre. They have fun  music and sometimes you don't need to be serious. Not bad job overall. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Rock/Punk/Ska
Release Date: April 25th, 1998
Location: Newmarket, Ontario
Label: None

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