Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rides Again - Rides Again

1. Starlight
2. Moving On
3. Cry
4. L.R.A.
5. Turning Around
6. Jeeze Louise
7. Save The World
8. Everything
9. Love Divine
10. Who, What, When
11. Hocus Pocus
12. Escape

Rides Again have released their debut album which happens to be Self Titled. This album features mostly live songs, with a few of them from the studio. These guys have a very typical rock sound to them that the radio seems to covet. This band has a similar sound to that of Lit or an Our Lady Peace, so if you like those artists, you could like this album. They have done an alright job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the live part of the album have been recorded quite well for being live, while the studio portion could use some work, but isn't too bad either. The instrumentation on this album is nothing to write home about, but the band can certainly play. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are pretty standard here. He does however have a nice and clear voice which can appeal to a wide range of people, so this is really good for being able to maximize the potential fans. With the lyrics, the band goes for messages of being alone, love, relationships, change in life, feeling down and more. A lot of these feeling and emotions are things many of us go through at different times of our lives, so we feel this has a message someone can relate to at any time of their life. We think they have done a pretty good job on the lyrics. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, as it is a debut album and mostly live. So just pick a song, give it a listen and get the feel of the album. The last three songs are the studio tracks, so you could just go for one of those as well. Rides Again have done a pretty good job on their debut album. We personally wouldn't have picked a live album to be the one for people to hear first, but it actually isn't too bad. Hopefully we will get a studio album next, and we can fully see how this band sounds in a professional setting. All that is needed now is for the band to get out more and hit more markets so more people can find out about them. Not bad overall. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Rock/Alternative
Release Date: 2004
Location: Oshawa, Ontario
Label: None

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