Thursday, November 2, 2017

Castlefield - The Mascot EP

1. Broken High School Mascot
2. Lifted
3. Good Job, Rover

Castlefield have released their debut album titled "The Mascot EP." This album is one that really has a new Pop Punk feel to it. They have a really nice vocal style that works with the new style of Pop Punk. When we listen to this, we get similarities to Waterparks or a Greyscale, so if you like those bands, you could really like this album. We think it has been done pretty well. When looking at the recording quality of this album, we can obviously tell that there are a few flaws and the recording on both the vocals and guitar could have been better. They seem a little flat. The band does however show that they have done a pretty good job with the instrumentation here. This album has flashes that show they can amp it up a bit. Now onto the vocals and the lyrics, the vocals on this album are very listenable and melodic. We like how you can hear every word and for the most part sounds calming. Good job overall. With the lyrics, the band seems to go for messages of what you and life have become after a tragic event. Being a mess and looking back on if things could have been in a relationship. A lot of this album is relationship based in the lyrics. We think many people have felt this way as well. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song or listen to the whole thing as it is only three songs. Then you will know what the band is like. Castlefield have made a debut welcome to album that shows you what the band is trying to do, while giving them room to improve. This is not a perfect album by any means, but the band has the potential to make one. We can't wait to see what else comes from this band. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Punk/Pop Punk/Rock
Release Date: March 30th, 2017
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Label: None

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