Friday, September 3, 2021

BadBadNotGood - BadBadNotGood EP

1. Electric Relaxation
2. Untitled 63 - Nightmare - Yonkers
3. Salmonella
4. Hard In The Paint
5. Bastard - Lemonade/Orange Juice - Assmilk
6. Untitled 63 - Nightmare - Yonkers (Alt. Take)

BadBadNotGood have released their debut EP titled "BBNG". This album shows the band off in a sort of Instrumental Hip Hop Jazz way. Don't worry, if you haven't heard of that, we hadn't either until we listened to this band. The band seems to have a groove in their music that just seems to fit well with that hip hop style and a background someone could sing hip hop over. They have a similar sound to that of St, Germain or Robert Glasper Trio. So if you know or like those artists, you could like this album. They have done a good job.

When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album seems to sound quite well for just being a first release. These guys seem to have a standard, and want you to hear them in the best light. The instrumentation on this album is pretty decent too. They use a lot of different instruments that you aren't used to hearing in traditional music. The band plays all over the place, but thats done in jazz a bunch, so nothing here is really head turning, but they all play well. 

Since there are no vocals or lyrics because it is instrumental, we'll skip that. However the band does have some time signature things that are a bit different, and they make listening to it a little interesting. Being one that doesn't really listen to jazz, it's hard to remember that you have to pay closer attention to the music and can not be a passive listener to get the full experience. This is noticed when you hear the band play harder or softer to express emotion. 

If you are looking for a single to this song, there isn't really one, so we suggest "Untitled 63 - Nightmare - Yonkers" as there are two versions of the song on this album. This should give you an idea of the band and their album,

BadBadNotGood have released a debut EP that shows you what they are about, and how they want to sound. You can tell they play the crap out of the keys at times, and really the portrayal of their music. We think they have done a pretty good job here. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think.

Genre: Jazz/Instrumental/Hip-Hop
Release Date: June 2011
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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