Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Wind Cries Mary - Wind Cries Mary


1. Lead Me Astray
2. Conceiving A Kingdom
3. Splitting Skin
4. Monotony

Wind Cries Mary have released their third album, which happens to be self-titled. This album seems to bring the heat, compared to their previous efforts. We are certainly happy to hear the evolution of this band. They have a similar sound to that of an Upon A Burning Body or a Fit For An Autopsy, so if you are into either of those bands, you could really like this album. They have done a solid job here. When looking at the recording quality of this album, this album certainly seems to have the best recording of any of the bands albums for sure. You can hear everything pretty clearly, and it's a nice recording. The instrumentation on the album is better than you would expect from a fairly unknown band. These guys can certainly play, and play well, we give solid props to the band for that. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, with the vocals the scream can certainly scream. He has a scream that you can still basically understand everything he says, which helps out quite a lot. We feel the screams have progressed over the 3 albums and this is the best it's been so far. With the lyrics, the band goes for songs about being broken from someone you've given chances to, having life hold you down and get to you, being attracted to something you know is toxic for you, and getting back up from everything. We feel that these are things that people can relate to, and especially the people who listen to this band. The fans will connect with these songs for sure. We like them and think they have done a solid job. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so we suggest "Splitting Skin" as the song to listen to because we feel it hits the hardest. All in all Wind Cries Mary have made an album that gives them more repertoire to play live and gives you a heavier, fuller sound to rock to. With these four songs, we can't wait to see what this leads to, and hear a full account of the band in it's current state. Solid album. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think about it.

Genre: Metalcore/Hardcore/Metal
Release Date: June 10th, 2015
Location: Parkhill, Ontario
Label: None

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