Saturday, March 14, 2020

Confine - The Beginning Of The End

1. Misguided
2. The Beginning Of The End
3. The Disease
4. In The Name Of...
5. Believe The Lie
6. Mend
7. Death's Head Revisited

Confine have released their debut full length album titled "The Beginning Of The End." This album has a similar sound and feel that you got off of the split album with Avarice. This time the band has decided to make a full release on their own. These guys have that very raw and rough sounding 90's and older, original hardcore punk sound to them. You would like this band if you are into bands like Agnostic Front, 7 Seconds or even on a newer side, Expire. So if you like any of those bands, you could really like this album. They have done an okay job here. When looking at the quality of this album, you have to look at it from the perspective of being a 90's release with raw and rough everything. The album doesn't sound to great, and could definitely use more production to get it more crisp and clear. Looking at the instrumentation on this album, it seems more like the band was going for hard and fast, as opposed to technique or skill. Now they do change it up every once in awhile, but for the most part it is pretty standard playing from a 90's hardcore band.
Now onto the vocals and lyrics. The vocals are sung very fast, with a mostly high pitched scream. Due to this, and the quality of the recording, the lyrics are pretty hard to pin point. However, the singer can sing the style and genre the band is going for, so his vocals fit right in. Now with the lyrics, the band goes for a more political side of things here. They also sing about diving and conquering, mending the things people have screwed up, and more. Overall we find these lyrics a little hard to get behind as we aren't political, but we know they have their place. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. Confine have made an album that shows you a bigger range of the sound the band wants you to get into, and more songs to pull from. All in all, we are not the biggest fan of this type of hardcore, but we know it has it's place. Give it a listen to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Hardcore/Punk/Rock
Release Date: July 16th, 1999
Location: Oakville, Ontario
Label: One Day Saviour Recordings

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