Monday, May 7, 2018

Dead Tired - Dead Tired

1. Court Of Public Opinion
2. All Hands
3. Nativity
4. Dead Tired
5. Hill Of The Pois
6. Slow Day
7. Nightmare
8. Punks At The Gym
9. Cold And Construction
10. Awakened
11. Undecided
12. Expansion

Dead Tired have released their debut album which they have decided to self title. This album shows the band in a mix from being a hardcore punk band and a metal band. These guys have an interesting sound that is raw but really has the potential as well. They have a similar sound to that of Cunter, Exalt or even an Brutal Youth, so if you like any of these artists, you could really like this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to a pretty raw and lower quality. This is probably by choice. to get that dirty, fuzzy, raw hardcore punk sound. The instrumentation is nothing really to bat an eye at, but the band can play the music well. Now onto the vocals and the lyrics, the vocals, as it has been with Alexisonfire's early stuff, the vocals and lyrics were hard to get or understand. This is the case with George's debut post AOF. He does still have the same style, and can certainly scream, but it is hard to get the lyrics. With the lyrics, they are pretty hard to understand, but they do sing about their hands, confrontation, and more. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. Dead Tired have made an album that has a more doomy alexis feel. The album certainly has potential and we could see this working as a fall back to when Alexis isn't playing one off shows. We hope to see more come out of this and hope to see a more structured album next time.  Not bad all in all. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Hardcore/Punk/Doom Metal
Date: March 8th, 2015
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Label: New Damage Records

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