Friday, October 13, 2017

Downstream - I Used To Feel Everything

1. A Formal Reply
2. Infrequent Moments Of Clarity
3. Substance
4. I Used To Feel Everything

Downstream have released their second album titled "I Used To Feel Everything." This album continues on the style and sound the band created on their debut album. The band has a more screamy punk feel to them, which makes them a bit of a mix between two genres. We don't really know who to sat this band sounds like, as this has the heavier vocals to it that no other band has really done in this genre.This album has been done pretty well. When looking at the recording quality of the album, this album has been recorded pretty decently here. The instrumentation isn't bad either, the band can play and they give you quite a taste of emo punk. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are done fairly well, you can hear the singer quite clearly and even the screams the band does are clear enough so that you can pick out every word. These guys have a nice sound vocally and it's nice to see the uniqueness. With the lyrics, the band goes for the message of a relationship that has gone wrong and how the vocalist deals with it. You can tell it was a bad one with the way the vocalist sings about it. We hope that this really helped him and we know people can relate to this as well. If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song "Substance" your attention as it is the best song here and it really shows off what the band is doing on this album. Downstream have made an album that really shows off what they are capable of and shows the potential of this band. We really like this album for it's down, sort of sad feeling the album gives off. Decent effort overall. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Punk/Emo/Indie
Release Date: November 26th, 2015
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Label: None

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