Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Street Pharmacy - Free Delivery

1. Welcome 2 Tha Street Pharmacy
2. Sober State Of Fame
3. Crazy Gunner
4. Figure It Out
5. Winter Coat
6. It's Better That Way
7. Degenerate
8. Two Brothers
9. Hey Elizabeth
10. Broken Compass
11. Go It Alone
12. This Life
13. Empathy (Bonus Track)
14. Juxtapose (Bonus Track)

Street Pharmacy have released their second album titled "Free Delivery." This one follows the previous album in style and sound. They have that very reggae feel, but with a more updated style and a little rock added in. This album really has it going on. The band has a similar sound to that of Illscarlett or older Walk Off The Earth, so if you like either of those, you could possibly like this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded pretty well, although it could use just the smallest bit of updating, otherwise it has a solid sound. The instrumentation has it points here and there, but overall reggae has simple structures to the songs. Now the last two songs on this album are from the remastered version of the album in 2014, but the rest are from the original 2008 release. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on the album are done pretty well. Although there is nothing really special about the vocalists voice, he can do some decent fast singing and his voice is clear. You can hear just what he is saying. With the lyrics, the band go for songs about self promotion, girls/relationships, the pressure of figuring out life and the story of being caught in a robbery. This are a little off the regular path, but they seem to still get it through to the listener. Sometimes you just need a good story to loose your mind in. If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song "Welcome 2 Tha Street Pharmacy" your attention as it is the best song on the album and really has a great groove to it. Street Pharmacy have made an album that really encapsulates their style and sound best. This is the album to listen to if you want to know Street Pharmacy. This is a very groovy album and the reggae will hit you quite well. Nice job overall. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Reggae/Rock/Hip Hop
Release Date: March 12th, 2008
Location: Welland, Ontario
Website: http://www.streetpharmacymusic.com/
Label: None

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