Thursday, June 29, 2017

Romancer - As We Both Close In On The Water

1. Lottery
2. 8315
3. Birds In Smoke
4. Wilted
5. Ether Dome
6. Wax Light
7. Columbia Lake
8. Fireworks
9. At Last, At Ease
10. Bad Clover

Romancer have released their debut album titled "As We Both Close In On The Water." This album shows the band doing a newer style of Pop Punk, with that sloppy yet ambient spin they have decided to add to their music. This album has a similar sound to that of Brand New and Neck Deep, so if you are into both of those bands, you could like this album. The guys have done a really nice job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded quite well, while still managing to keep their raw pop punk sound intact. The instrumentation on the album is not bad, the band can play, and they mix it up a bit with the fast and more melodic songs. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals are done fairly well, their singer can sing and he has a nice voice that can go from singing to screaming with ease. fairly good overall here. With the lyrics, the band seems to hit topics of living life, relationships weather it with the opposite sex, friends or family. They also sing about the struggles, good times and memories of what life gives you. Their lyrics are not quite as direct as other bands go but it really makes you listen and absorb the songs. If you are looking for a single on this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. Romancer have made a fairly decent album that is nice to hear. The band is also getting out there a bit so hopefully they will continue to grow.Good job and we can't wait to hear more. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Pop Punk/Emo/Ambient
Release Date: June 10th, 2016
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Label: None

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