Thursday, February 4, 2016

Still Life - Page One

1. Lost And Found
2. All That You Are
3. Forget Tomorrow
4. Let Love Unfold
5. Soldiers

Still Life have released their debut album titled "Page One." This album shows a young band that is trying to sneak their way into the lighter side of the alternative radio rock scene here. The band has a pretty radio friendly sound that reminds us of something like a Pilate or a Low Level Flight, so  if you are into those bands, you may like this. They have done a pretty good job on their debut album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded fairly decently and has a nice overall sound to the record. One knock on this album is that there really isn't anything that stands out with the instrumentation here. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals have been done very well, the singer can certainly sing on this album but the lyrics could use just a touch here and there so that the full story of each song hits us more. If you are looking for a single for this album, give the song "Lost And Found" your attention, as this is the best song on the album and it shows off what the band is trying to accomplish the best here. Still Life have done a really good job on this album, especially for being the debut sort of welcome to album. We are excited to see what this band can do with their next album and maybe get out to play more shows with it. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Rock/Alternative
Release Date: September 1st, 2012
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Label: None

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