Thursday, January 22, 2015

High Seas - Storm Season

1. February
2. Slack tide
3. Cutting Ties
4. Flat Beer
5. Brimorton

High Seas have released their debut album titled "Storm Season." This album give the band a new pop punk feel and shows off their edge. When listening to this band first off, you get a sense of a totally new band just figuring out how to play their songs and giving them a sort of intentional sloppiness. These songs are not very complicated and neither are the lyrics, but for a new band the songs on this album could use a bit of a better recording and the song could use some reworking but it all good. A song to listen to would be the song "Flat Beer" as it is a slower song and shows off both sides of what this band is capable of. In the end, this album is a pretty good effort for a brand new band just starting off and you should give them a chance. Pay attention to this band and look out for what this band does next.

Genre: Punk - Pop/Punk/Rock
Release Date: May 23rd, 2014
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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