Wednesday, May 6, 2020

As Heads Is Tails - Infinite

1. Infinite
2. Haunted Heavens
3. The Tragedy
4. The Reprisal
5. The Cost
6. Paranoia

As Heads Is Tails have released their debut album titled "Infinite." This album shows the band in a pretty typical metalcore styled band. These guys have a sound that is pretty reminiscent of the band Skynet or The Parallel, so if you like either of those bands, you could like this album. They have done a pretty decent job here. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to a fairly decent standard, it just seems to have a sound or something, that is missing, from making it a signed band studio quality album. The instrumentation on the album is pretty solid overall. It has a bit of showing off with the guitar work, and double kick, but it could use a little more to give it just one notch higher. These guys can play for sure though. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the screams on this album are not bad at all. We certainly like them,but when it comes to the sung vocals by the secondary singer, they are lacking. This is a trend we see quite a bit with bands, where the second singer, who is usually a guitarist, can't quite bring it like the vocalist, which brings down the overall package of the album just a bit. Other than that, these guys can sing. With the lyrics, the band goes for songs about death, being vengeful against someone or something, burning bridges and more. This seems more like a hateful pent up anger in the lyrics. We don't feel that a ton of people can relate to those lyrics, but it also fits within the genre of music they are targeting. We don't think they have done to bad on them. If you are looking for a single to this album, give the song "Haunted Heavens" your attention, as this is the best song on the album, and best represents the album as a whole. As Heads Is Tails have made and album that really shows you how they want to be as a band, and a base to grow from. This is not bad at all for a first album, and we can't wait to see what they come up with next. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. Oh yeah, and leave the song fades at home.

Release Date: August 21st, 2018
Location: London, Ontario
Label: None

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