Thursday, April 12, 2018

Oakrest - This Story Needs An End

1. This Story Needs An End
2. False Intentions
3. I Don't Know
4. My Mistake

Oakrest have released their debut album titled "This Story Needs To End." This album shows the band in a very pop punk way. The band seems to have made this as a bit more of a demo then an album, but it is still listenable. This album has an older blink-182 feel as well as an All Time Low feel to it, so if you are into either of those bands, you could really like this album. They have done an alright job here. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded well in parts, such as the vocals, but some of the guitars could use some work on them as they seem dull on the single string pick. On another note, the whole acoustic song needs more work in the engineering part of the album. When only giving us four tracks, we find it kind of strange to give us an acoustic song that sounds more like a rock song, than the pop punk of the rest of the album. We would of preferred four songs of pure pop punk and saved the acoustic song for when they are more established. The instrumentation on the album is pretty average as well, sure the band can play, but it doesn't really have a sound that stands as their own yet. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are probably the standout part of the album. Their singer can certainly sing and he has a nice clear voice. The vocalist has hit the generic pop punk right in the head, and we think that will bring more people to this band. With the lyrics, the band has also gone for very common messages of relationships and having fun as they grow in life. As this is a first release, this is alright as a starter, but we hope they vary the subject matter, if they want to make this more than just for fun. Not bad for a debut first release though. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song, or listen to it all as it's only four songs, then you will have the idea of this band. Oakrest has made a debut, welcome to sort of album that is just that. It has the rough parts, and promising parts to see that the band could make this something if they wanted to go that route. Hopefully we see this band grow and get out more so people can discover them. Not bad. Would like to see what they come up with next. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Pop Punk/Punk/Rock
Release Date: August 5th, 2017
Location: Keswick, Ontario
Label: None

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