Thursday, March 23, 2017

Through Lucid Eyes - Transient

1. Fleeting Moments
2. Transient
3. Lotus
4. Introspection
5. Set In Stone

Through Lucid Eyes have released their second EP titled "Transient." This is their indie label debut. The latest album seems to have shifted from the brutality to a more melodic and more focus on the playing than the heaviness. This album has a similar sound to that of a Born of Osiris or a Periphery, so if you are into those bands, you could really like this album. They have done a pretty decent job on this album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded fairly decently. The instrumentation on this album has improved from the first album and it has a nice progressive sound to it. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the screams are not bad, they have a nice sound and go well with the music. The background vocals are not bad either, just cant decide if at times he is a great singer or killing the ears. All in all the vocals on this album are solid. With the lyrics, they seem to have the standard, don't trust everyone or everything and and overall this sucks kind of feel to them. They do however say that message in an interesting way that doesn't come right out and say it, so they have done a good job on the lyrics. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the feel of the album. Through Lucid Eyes have stepped up their game on this album and brought one that you need to listen to. This is really something that could go somewhere with the right push behind it. Good job guys. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Metalcore/Post-Hardcore/Progressive
Release Date: December 9th, 2016
Location: Cornwall, Ontario
Label: Famined Records

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