Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Life In Vacuum - Nothing Ever Stays Secret

1. The Return Of The Bucketeers
2. Windmill Operator
3. Russian Melody (In B Minor)
4. Idea #3

Life In Vacuum have released their second album titled "Nothing Ever Stays Secret". This album is one that seems to be all over the place. These guys have weird time signatures in their music, and seem to abruptly switch what they are playing on a dime. This is pretty indicative of the math rock and experimental sides of the bands music. We aren't really sure what bands have similar sounds to this, as we aren't very familiar with this sound on a grand scale. This is something we would say is unique though. When looking at the recording quality of this album, it feels like the band benefits from that dirtier, not perfect, raw recording that you get here. This recording seems to fit their style well. The instrumentation on this album is different because they somewhat ride that thin line of is this just a mess of sound or is it genius? These guys can certainly play, but how well is a different thing. You can however tell they do know what they are doing. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album are a bit sloppy here, but that seems to be the style the band is going for. He is a little hard to hear on some songs, but you can for the most part understand what he is trying to say. This isn't the best singing, but punk has never been about that, so this works. Not bad though. With the lyrics, the vocalist sings pretty fast and sloppy that it is hard to quite get what he is singing about. If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one, so just pick a song and give it a listen to get the idea of the album. Life In Vacuum have made an album that follows along with their debut. This gives them a bigger library to pull from, and defines the band more as to what they are. This personally isn't our thing, but we feel there is a market for this, and people will get into it. Give it a listen to decide for yourself what you think about it.

Genre: Math Rock/Post Punk/Post Hardcore
Release Date: June 4th, 2009
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Website: http://www.lifeinvacuum.com/
Label: None

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