Saturday, November 16, 2024

Kottin Trip - Down E.P.

1. Down
2. Fade Away
3. Bond Of Union

Kottin Trip have released their debut album titled "Down E.P." This album shows the band riding the line between Nu-Metal and Hard Rock. They have a similar sound to that of a Coal Chamber or or like earlier more raw Korn. If you like those bands, you could like this album. These guys have done an alright job here on this album. 

When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to a pretty raw, dirty and grungy sound. This seems pretty deliberate to get the style for the sound they are going for. With the instrumentation here, the album has pretty standard playing on it. There isn't really anything thats going to make you turn your head here, but these guys can play. Not bad.

Not onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album seem to be pretty average as a whole here. Now the thing with this style, the vocals were not meant to be super musical or sound like this amazing singer is singing it. They do get the job done and he can sing, thats what matters. With the lyrics, the band goes for songs about struggle, loss and relationships. These seem to be the standard subjects that the genre are known for. These lyrics hit the target audience pretty well. They have done a pretty good job here.

If you are looking for a single to this album, there isn't one. We suggest listening to "Bond Of Union". This songs sounds a lot like Korn and shows you the best of this album.

Kottin Trip have made a three song E.P. that shows off the ideas and things the band wants to do in their music. This really sounds like three different styles on each song. We hope that with the next release we get more of a direct path in the music, and they decide on a specific sound. This isn't bad and you can see they have the makings of something here. We can't wait to see what they come up with next, and if it follows more of a distinct sound. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits. R.I.P. 

Genre: Rock/Nu-Metal/Hard Rock
Release Date: 2000
Location: London, Ontario
Label: None

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