Sunday, October 15, 2023

Anthem For Today - A Little Louder

1. Less Than Ordinary
2. Earthquake
3. Inside Out
4. A Little Louder
5. Anywhere But Apart
6. Falling Asleep At The Wheel
7. Believe In Me
8. Salt And Light
9. Wake Up
10. Walk Away

Anthem For Today have released their debut album, titled "A Little Louder." This album has a very generic feel for the christian rock band. The majority of these bands trying to broaden out, have an alternative pop rock sound to them, and its very prevalent on this album. These guys have a similar sound to that of a Hawk Nelson, or a Switchfoot, so if you like those bands, you could like this album. They have done a pretty good job here.

When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded to a pretty decent standard. Now the vocals could be turned up a little, and be a bit clearer. Other then that, it has a decent sound to it. The instrumentation on this album is something that won't really turn your head or get you to take notice. This band is pretty average in this department. Not saying the band is bad or good here, just on par with most bands. They can play their instruments, and it sounds decent, so thats all you can ask for. 

Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals on this album have been done pretty decently. He can certainly sing, and his vocals are nice and clear, so you can get his message of religion and being saved by it very well. He isn't going to wow you with his singing, but he gives the perfect strength, and range for the type of music he is going for. All in all, he's done a great job here. With the lyrics, the band goes for songs about their religion and views, as well as uplifting, bring your up and be strong songs. These guys have also getting away from the bad things in your life. All in all, they have a pretty uplifting album with a lot of positivity in the lyrics. We think they have done a really good job on the lyrics.

If you are looking for a single to this this album, give the song "A Little Louder" your attention, as this is the best song on the album, and it really gives you the best overall idea of what the album as a whole sounds like.

Anthem For Today have released a debut album that really shows off the sound and ideals they are about with this offering. This album also gives them a start and something to get them playing shows. We feel like these guys have done a solid job on this album and we think they have something that could keep the ball rolling. We are looking forward to hearing whats next. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it. They have since called it quits (R.I.P.)

Genre: Religious/Alternative/Rock
Release Date: 2013
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Label: None

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