Monday, June 15, 2015

Loyalist - The Bigger Picture

1. Under The Eye
2. The Bigger Picture
3. Ink & Quill
4. Taken From

Loyalist have made a few changes from the previous album to this one as far as their lineup is concerned and the music positively reflects that. The band is still going for their same style and feel that they had on the previous album, so fans should expect more of the same thing. Here on this album, they are going for that low end beefy metal, that you hear bands like Chelsea Grin going for, so if you like them, you should like this album. When looking at the recording of this album, it could have been done a little better, the vocals seem a little quiet and the music seems to be a bit fuzzy but that doesn't take away from it. On with the lyrics and vocals, they are pretty good actually, not the greatest scream, but it works, so hey, and the lyrics are alright too. If you are looking for a single to listen to on this album, there isn't really one, so just press play on the first track and listen to get the feel. The album isn't that long, so just listen through. Loyalist have made a pretty good album here, and it is a step up from the previous album. These guys are getting their name out there more and if they keep plugging away, hopefully this will end up working out. Good job. Listen to this album and make up your own mind about if you like it or not and be sure to follow what the band is doing.

Genre: Metal/Hardcore/Screamo
Release Date: September 20th, 2014
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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